WDI Darth Vader

Portfolio Requirements

It is the final 3 weeks of the 'in-class' portion of WDI, i.e. the independence section! During this section, you are to deliver a portfolio site complete with your pair programming project and the below listed applications. Each should be their own github repository.

Classical MVC (Pair Programming)

  • Sinatra or Rails
  • Authentication + Single Model C.R.U.D.
  • Use the Classic MVC pattern
  • One-To-Many (Users have many x)
  • ActiveRecord
  • Examples:
    • ToDo App
    • Note App
    • Twitter Like App

Sinatra or Express SPA

  • A "Sign-Up" or "Contact Form" style application
  • Must be responsive and tested on mobile phone(s)
  • As a user, I can enter in my name, email, etc. so I can 'sign-up' to be contacted later
  • Or I can send someone a message somehow.
  • Utilize Mandrill or similar service to send emails to your clients


  • Use any framework/language of your choice to build an API!
  • Sinatra, Express, Rails allowed. .NET, Django, others will be considered.
  • We're going to build a RESTful API for a single model!
  • You just need to serve data. No rendering anything.
  • Don't give stangers create/update/delete access.
  • Test with CocoaRest / Postman

Portfolio Website

  • Host your portfolio at http://your-username.github.io or your own custom domain.
  • We will build in class but you must polish it and push to your own Github.
  • Jekyll/Github Pages/Gitbooks are great starting places.

Independence Application

  • In this project, you will build your own application.
  • It is a three stage long term project.
  • We will begin modeling the project week in sprints.
  • Here we'll ask about your project and guide you along your way.

1. Due by Monday, 9/7

  • Topic approval from instructor
  • Wireframes for application
  • User stories (and/or use case diagrams)
  • Github repository/Readme with project outline

2. Due by Sunday, 9/13

  • Select a stack / framework
  • Create application Base
  • Implement database and ORM
  • All CRUD logic completed/tested
  • User authentication/sessions tested (if applicable)

3. Due by Friday, 9/18

  • Complete Github Readme
  • Portfolio page describing and highlighting project
  • Polished application and user interface implemented
  • You will be presenting your project on 9/18


You have the option of working alone or with a group of your choosing. If your groups will be larger than two people, please consult us before moving forward. Add Comment