WDI Darth Vader

JSON Parsing/Conversion Lab

  • Create a script file in 'w08.../d01/..yourname/'
  • Call it 'json_parsing.js'
  • The contents should include...

  • A new Object in Javascript - this object can be anything with at least 5 attributes! You set the values. Remember the ideation from this morning?

var model = {
    attribute: 'somevalue',
    foo: 'bar',
    pi: 3.14,
    falsey: true,
    arrrrr: ['johnny depp', 'jack sparrow']
  • Use the JSON object and the methods parse and stringify
  • Convert the object back and forth! Console.log out your results both times.
  • Finally... loop through the object after it has been converted to JSON then back... and output in each line key: + value
for (var key in catObj) { console.log(key + ": " + catObj[key]) }