WDI Darth Vader

Week 2, Day 3

Constructor Examples

function turtle(name, colour, weapon) {
  // THIS is referencing the OBJECT
    // kinda like ../ when changing a directory
    // assign THIS OBJECT'S property to VALUE
    // this.property = value;
    this.name = name;
    this.colour = colour;
    this.weapon = weapon;
    this.friends = [];
    this.tellMeMore = function() {
        return this.name + " likes to wear " + this.colour;
    this.makeAFriend = function(friends) {
        for (var friend in friends) {
    return "we made a mutant turtle!";

var human = function(humanName, hairColour, eyeColour, weight, skills) {
    // THIS is referencing the OBJECT
    // kinda like ../ when changing a directory
    // assign THIS OBJECT'S property to VALUE
    // this.property = value;
    this.name = humanName;
    this.hairColour = hairColour;
    this.eyeColour = eyeColour;
    this.weight = weight;
    this.skills = skills;
    this.yabber = function() {
        return this.name + " weighs about " + this.weight;

After Hours

Constructor reps!

  1. Tonight, think of three things in real life that you could model as a Constructor. Create and write them! Save them in one file: 02.../d03/your_name/constructor_reps.js
  2. Continue styling the Todo List that you worked on today! Take a screenshot and share it on Slack tonight!
  3. Feel good about what you've done so far today! Reflect on what you've worked on so far: selectors and DOM manipulation.
  4. Remember that you can get Elements by...
    • TagName - returns an array of DOM objects
    • Id - returns a single DOM object
    • Name - returns an array of DOM objects
    • ClassName - returns an array of DOM objects