WDI Darth Vader

Rails Form Helpers

Form Helpers

Today we created a Shopping List application. The source code is available here: https://github.com/ga-chicago/Rails_Shopping_List

Define a Model

def new
  # create a new model
  @product = Product.new

Create a Form Helper in a view

<h1>Add To List</h1>

<h3>New Product</h3>
<%= form_for @product, url: {action: 'create'} do |f| %>
  <%= f.text_field :name %>
  <%= f.text_field :quantity %>
  <%= f.submit 'Add Item' %>
<% end %>

Handling params

def create
  # POST request
  # save that model
  @product = Product.create(
    :name => params[:product][:name],
    :quantity => params[:product][:quantity].to_i


def delete
  # find the model
  # delete it
  @product = Product.find(params[:product][:id].to_i).destroy
