WDI Darth Vader




  • A view is just a small piece of your website.
  • They organize your website's interface into logical views.
  • They are meant to be re-drawn without needing to load a webpage.
  • They keep you from having to refresh your page!

Attributes and Abilities


Name Description
el Corresponding DOM element that represents this view. It can already exist or if not, it will be created for you.
tagName Specific tag that will be created for this views *el*
className CSS class that will be applied to this views's *el*
id CSS ID that will be applied to this view's *el*
$el A cached jQuery object for the view's element.
attributes A hash of attributes that will be set as HTML DOM element attributes on the view's *el* (id, class, data-properties, etc.)
template A template or reference to a template for use with the *render()* method


Name Description
constructor Accepts several options that will be attached to the view automatically.
initialize() An optional function that is called the moment a view is instantiated.
render() A function to render your view as HTML into the DOM.
remove() Removes this View from the DOM