WDI Darth Vader

Commonly Used Ports

  • 21 FTP File Transfer Protocol
  • 22 SSH Secure Shell
  • 23 Telnet Terminal Network
  • 25 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  • 53 DNS Domain Name System
  • 80 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • 88 Kerberos Kerberos
  • 110 POP3 Post Office Protocol Version 3
  • 119 NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol
  • 137–139 NetBIOS NetBIOS Name, Datagram, and Session Services, respectively
  • 143 IMAP Internet Access Message Protocol
  • 161 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
  • 389 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  • 443 HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (uses TLS or SSL)
  • 445 SMB Server Message Block
  • 1701 L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
  • 1723 PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
  • 3389 RDP Remote Desktop Protocol (Microsoft Terminal Server)

Network Glossary

  • DHCP: Short for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It allows properly configured client computers to obtain IP addresses automatically from a DHCP server.
  • Terminal Services:A type of thin-client terminal server computing. It allows client computers to connect to and take control of a server. Thin-client computers and PCs can connect to servers running Terminal Services.
  • IPsec: A protocol within the TCP/IP suite that encrypts and authenticates IP packets. It is designed to secure any application traffic because it resides on the network layer.
  • DNS: A worldwide service that resolves host names to IP addresses. This facilitates proper communication between computers. A hierarchy of DNS servers communicates with each other in an effort to teach one another their name resolutions.