WDI Darth Vader

Front End Fundamentals

Monday, June 29th

Morning exercise

Lesson Notes

Block 1/2: Git Homework Submission Lab

  • We're going to walk through the homework submission process
  • Details will be posted in the Darth Vader root folder
  • Step by step walkthrough


Block 3: Javascript is a Language

  • Understand that Javascript is a language
  • Know primitive data types: String, Integer, and Float
  • Understand how to create, get/set values from Arrays (a Data Structure)


Identify what the following data types will be:

  • User name: string
  • User password: string
  • User age: integer
  • Cost of item: float
  • Website Title: string
  • Moments until launch of Space-X Dragon: integer/float
  • Quantity of items on Ebay: integer
  • Name of friend on Facebook: string
  • Number of invites to party: integer

Statements with Operators

  • Create a variable that evaluates to 42 (the answer) var mynum = 40 + 8 - 6;
  • Create a variable that substracts 10 from 100 var num = 100 - 10;
  • Create a variable that shows the remainder of dividing 25 by 4 var number = 25 % 4;
  • Create a variable that shows the product of 5 and 100 var num = 5 * 100;

Block 4: Javascript on the Web

  • Identify the role of JavaScript in web pages/web applications
  • Introduce students to DevTools
  • Write and execute JavaScript code from inside an HTML file
  • An introduction to the DOM
  • Understand the concept of logic in programming
  • Visuaize and create if, else and else if statements
  • Use the built-in browser methods: console, alert, confirm, prompt

Conditional Logic

<script type="text/javascript">
  var name = "James";

  // if (name != "James") {
  //   alert("GTFO");
  // } else {
  //   alert("did you bring the beer?");
  // }

  var age = prompt("How old are you?");
  if (age >= 21) {
    alert("thanks for wanting something to drink.");
  } else if (age > 18 && age < 21) {
    alert("soooooooon.. or visit Ontario at 19");
  } else if (age < 18){
    alert("get out of my store");
  } else {
    alert("out of bounds");


After Hours

Fundamentals Quizzes

Eloquent Javascript - Chapters 1 & 2

  • Read the first two chapters of Eloquent Javascript by Thursday
  • This book is available from the GA library if you prefer a physical book!

Javascript Drills

Bonus Javascript Roadtrip