WDI Darth Vader

An Introduction to AngularJS

AngularJS: https://angularjs.org/

1. Setting up your application

We need to include Angular.js in our project. We can install it using npm!

npm install angular --save

This will download all of the files associated with Angular.js and save it to our package.json file. Angular is installed to node_modules/

It will include:

node_modules/angular on master[!]
$ tree
├── README.md
├── angular-csp.css
├── angular.js
├── angular.min.js      # <-- use for production!
├── angular.min.js.gzip
├── angular.min.js.map  # <-- include in same directory as angular.min.js
├── bower.json
├── index.js
└── package.json

From the root of our project's repository, we can copy the required files over using the cp command. cp -r node_modules/angular/angular.min.js public/javascripts cp -r node_modules/angular/angular.min.map public/javascripts

  • Now, we need to open whichever view we want to include Angular in. For our case, we're going to create a new route in our routes/index.js file:
router.get('/angular', function(req, res, next) {
  // response: render the '/views/angular.ejs' template and
  // give it the data of { title: 'Tasker', library: "Angular"}
  res.render('angular', { title: 'Tasker', library: 'Angular' });
  • Create a new EJS view: /views/angular.ejs
  • Copy the contents of /views/index.ejs into /views/angular.ejs
  • Include Angular in your <head>: <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/angular.min.js"></script>
  • Make sure you include this after jQuery!
  • Specify where to add your ng-app
  • <div ng-app="myApp">..</div>
  • This allows us to claim all code inside of this element will be owned by Angular.

Testing.. Testing.. 1..2..3..

Inside of your /views/angular.ejs view, let's add some content.

<section class="container">
  <article class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
      <h1><%= title %></h1>
      <h4>Using <%= library %></h4>
      <p><em>Not yet implemented!</em></p>

Let's let Angular do some work on the front end. This will be what is considered the Angular view (in their MVC structure).

<section class="container">
  <article class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
      <h1><%= title %></h1>
      <h4>Using <%= library %></h4>
      <h3>{{"AngularJS lets us " + "DYNAMICALLY " + "render data on a page!"}}</h3>

2. Dat Angular Template Syntax

Let's take a look at Angular's template syntax. If you're familiar with Handlebars, Hogan, or Mustache this will look semi-familiar:

{{"AngularJS is up in here"}}
// Whoa - I can evaluate expressions.
{{ 6 * 7 }}
// I'm able to concatenate strings inside of a template, too!
{{"AngularJS lets us " + "DYNAMICALY " + "render data on a page!"}}

3. Angular's MVC

  • Angular follows an MVC pattern. It has distinct views, models, and controllers.
  • They're supported by:
    • Dependency injection
    • Directives
    • Resources
    • Factories
    • Other modules!
  • Angular's magic is in these tools.
  • Otherwise we'd just be working with Backbone or plain EJS.