WDI Darth Vader

Week 5, Day 2

Block 1 & 2: Models with ActiveRecord


Block 3 & 4: Full Stack Sinatra

We're going to build a CRUD app! Time to create some forms and make a user interface. In this lab, we're going to take our time to build a polished full stack Sinatra application. We will introduce a few new concepts along the way to help you organize your code.


  • Restructure Sinatra apps for scalability
  • Use Controllers to handle specific routes
  • Create user interfaces to add/create/update/destroy items.

Block 4: Pair Programming Lab

Build it together! In a new repository called sinatra_coupons

  1. You're going to build a Coupon application using Sinatra MVC
  2. You'll need a database!
  3. And a table for Coupons attributes like title, description, product, discount_price, expiration_date
  4. You'll also need to create a migrations.sql file.
  5. Now, using ActiveRecord and Sinatra - create an MVC app that lists out all of the coupons.
  6. Utilize controllers to accomplish this!


  • You should have an ApplicationController, HomeController, and CouponsController
  • You'll also need a CouponsModel

After Hours

We need moar reps. Let's run through our basic MVC process again before jumping into full CRUD actions tomorrow. Tonight, inside of 05_full_stack_with_sinatra/d02/your_name create a new folder called Sinatra_Songs.

  1. We need a database to store songs!
  2. Songs have artist and title. Perhaps even a release_year?
  3. Let's create a Songs table to store them.
  4. Now that we know this works, create a migrations.sql to store the connection/creation information regarding our database.
  5. Once our database is all set, create an application in Sinatra!
  6. This application should render all of the songs in our table on a page.
  7. Utilize Controllers, Models (and ActiveRecord) and Views (ERB) to render them out!
  8. Create a pull request once everything is up-and-running!