WDI Darth Vader

Day 1 - Introduction to Ruby

Wait! Before we get started, we need to all be on the same page! That means we need to have the same version of Ruby as well as the same tools. Let's do that!

  1. Install rbenv, a Ruby environment manager: brew install rbenv
  2. Now, have rbenv install Ruby version 2.2.0: rbenv install 2.2.0
  3. Choose the global version of Ruby (for your entire Mac) to version 2.2.0: rbenv global 2.2.0
  4. Finally, install pry - the Ruby REPL console that we'll use: gem install pry
  5. PS: gems are Ruby applications. You can install them using gem install gem_name. For a complete listing: https://rubygems.org/

Block 1 & 2 - Data Types, Control Flow, and Logic


  • Variables
    • Numbers
    • Strings
    • Booleans
    • Arrays
    • Hashes
  • Method Basics
  • Conditional Logic


Slide Presentation: https://presentations.generalassemb.ly/25f5b3159aa6615504fc#/

Code Examples from Class: https://github.com/ga-students/WDI_Chi_Darth_Vader/tree/master/04_ruby/d01/INSTRUCTORS

Block 3 & 4 - Ruby 101 Lab

After Hours


Complete the RUPS: https://github.com/ga-students/WDI_Chi_Darth_Vader/blob/master/04_ruby/d01/ASSIGNMENT_FILES/lab/afternoon_rups.md

Optional Reads for the Week