WDI Darth Vader



  • Creating an object

    // create an empty Object
    var obj = {};
  • Objects (dictionaries) are composed of Keys : Values

    // objects are composed of keys : values
    // values may be any data type! number, string, boolean, array, and other Objects!
    // create a lichard Object
    var lichard = {
    // key: name, value: "Lichard DeGray"
    name: 'Lichard DeGray',
    mood: 'good',  
    sing: function(){
        this.mood = 'great';
        return 'On my Own… Pretending...';
  • Using Object.keys() to return an array of keys
    // get the keys for the lichard Object as an array
    var keys = Object.keys(lichard);
    // get the name of lichard - two days!
    lichard.name;  // => 'Lichard DeGray'
    // using an index to access the "name"; indexes should be strings!
    lichard["name"]; // => 'Lichard DeGray'
    // call an ability (method) on lichard
    lichard.sing(); // => 'On my Own… Pretending...'
  • Using loops the hard way
    // using loops
    var familyFoods = {Lichard: 'Carmel & Candy Corn', Kathew: 'Pizza', Omily: 'Pickled Cucumber Salad'};
    var familyKeys = Object.keys(familyFoods);
    for (var i = 0; i < familyKeys.length; i++) {
    console.log( familyKeys[i] + ' love ' + familyFoods[familyKeys[i]])
  • And now, using a for-in loop to iterate through an object
    // ...and we can use for-in loops here, too!
    for (var key in familyFoods) {
    console.log(key + " loves " + familyFoods[key]);
  • A person object:
    // create a person Object
    var person = {
    // attributes
    name: "Nick",
    hasHair: true,
    hobbies: "music",
    arms: 2,
    listensTo: "Mogwai",
    salad: "vending machine",
    // abilities
    sing: function() {
        return "Limp Bizkit Break Stuff";
    raps: function() {
        return "Limp Bizkit Break stuff";
    code: function() {
        return "I AM THE CODE MASTER";
    fourSevenEight: function() {
        return "I have no idea what i am doing";
  • Our car Object:
    // our car Object
    var car = {
    // our attributes
    wheels: 4,
    engine: "v12",
    axles: 2,
    color: "midnight blue",
    interior: "leather",
    hasMoonroof: true,
    hasHotTub: false,
    speed: 0,
    // abilities
    upgrade: undefined,
    getPaintJob: function(color) {
        this.color = color;
    accelerate: function() {
        this.speed = this.speed +1;
    brake: function() {
        this.speed = 0;
    deployAirbags: function() {
        console.log("oh shiiiiiiii");
    eraseUpgradeAbility: function() {
        this.upgrade = undefined;
  • Objects vs Arrays (syntax)
    var messages = [];
    // object
      name: "Alex",
      message: "I need more food"
    // array
    "some third value"
  • Another example of an object:
    var lichard = {
      name: 'Lichard DeGray',
      mood: 'good',  
      sing: function(){
          this.mood = 'great';
          return 'On my Own… Pretending...';
  • Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the Pumpkin
    var snoopy = {
      name: "snoopy",
      favouriteThing: "doghouse",
      friend: "woodstock",
      introduce: function() {
          return "Hi my name is" + this.name;
      doSomething: function() {
          return "SNOOPY IS SNIFFING";
    var woodstock = {
      name: "woodstock",
      quote: "!!|!!!|!!!!!!",
      almostFly: function() {
          return "can I stay here, snoopy?";
    var pumpkin = {
      seeds: "lots",
      color: "orange",
      edible: true,
      smell: true,
      isCarvable: true,
      isCarved: false,
      shape: "",
      carve: function() {
          // seeds = none
          this.seeds = "none;"
          // isCarves = true
          this.isCarved = true;
          // shape = "woodstock"
          this.shape = "woodstock";
          //return "Jack-o-lantern";
          this.carve = function() {
              return "hey, you carved me bro";
      introduceSelf: function() {
          return "Hey Charlie, I'm " + this.color + " and I want to be your friend";
  • The heroic Adventure Kitty exercise!
    var adventureKitty = {
      // attributes
      name: "Adventure Kitty",
      gender: "female",
      eyeCount: 1,
      furColor: "yellow",
      personality: "daring",
      superpower: "fly",
      // abilities
      // Adventure Kitty tells you about herself
      speak: function() {
          return "";
  • Our smsApp and otherSmsApp example:

    var smsApp = {
      messages: [],
      sendSMS: function(name, message) {
              name: name,
              message: message
          return "message sent!";
      renderView: function() {
          document.body.innerHTML = "";
          for (var sms in this.messages) {
              var note = this.messages[sms];
              document.write("<br>" +
                  note.name + ": " +
    var otherSmsApp = {
      sendSMS: function(name, message) {
              name: name,
              message: message
          return "message sent!";
  • Another for-in loop

    for (var key in messages) {
      var sms = messages[key];
      console.log(sms.name + ": " + sms.message);
  • Student Colours example
    var students = {
      Marion: "green",
      Tom: "yellow",
      James: "purple"
    for (var key in students) {
      console.log(key + "'s favourite colour is " + students[key]);
    for (var key in students) {
      students[key] = "wenge";
      console.log(key + "'s favourite colour is " + students[key]);
