WDI Darth Vader

Front End Fundamentals

Monday, June 29th

Block 1 & 2: Orientation and Installfest

Lesson Notes

Block 3: Objects

  • Understand how to humanize objects with attributes and abilities
  • Understand what message-passing means

Block 4: Command Line + Git

  • Creating & removing folders/files
  • Navigating the file system
  • Initialize and clone a Git Repository
  • Utilize Git to push content to the internet

After Hours

This evening you will be introduced to the Markdown syntax that is used on Github and many other open source projects. You will use it frequently throughout WDI! You will also get some practice with the Mac OS Command Line by re-creating the Star Wars saga. We also recommend that you read Mozilla's A Re-introction to Javascript prior to tomorrow.

0. Complete Pre-work Quizzes

The pre-work quizzes located here need to be completed tonight if you have not finished them already.

1. Command Line Adventures with Star Wars

This evening you will be challenged to re-create the Star Wars saga using the Mac OS X command line. This will be great practice for honing your terminal skills.

2. Using Markdown on GitHub

You will also need to use Markdown to update the Github repository that we created during class today.

This evening you will be challenged to re-create the Star Wars saga using the Mac OS X command line. This will be great practice for honing your terminal skills. https://github.com/ga-students/WDI_Chi_Darth_Vader/blob/master/01_front_end_fundamentals/d01/ASSIGNMENT_FILES/after_hours/command_line_star_wars.md

2. Using Markdown on GitHub (complete by Wednesday)

You will also need to use Markdown to update the Github repository that we created during class today. https://github.com/ga-students/WDI_Chi_Darth_Vader/blob/master/01_front_end_fundamentals/d01/ASSIGNMENT_FILES/after_hours/markdown.md

3. A Re-introduction to Javascript

Finally, we highly recommend that you read the following article prior to tomorrow if you have time!